Tell Yourself the Truth

I’m grateful for this year but then I was hit by heavy disappointment both from people I trusted and processes I expected to go a certain way. I had absolutely trusted, so when the disappointment came, it hit me hard and knocked me out.

At first, I knew I had to pause. Pause I did; until I realized the pause was taking too long and I struggled to get myself back. I was so unsure about so many things, especially how to proceed and I didn’t fail to tell anyone who reached out to find out if I was okay.

However, I was lying 🤕. Lying to myself!

For weeks and months, I thought I was seeking clarity, but the issue was really fear and what I was seeking was certainty.

Most people that know me, believe that I am a risk taker and tend to plug in and live fully but as I grew older or realized I was almost 30 and my son was also growing rapidly, I became so scared. I believed the era where I could get away with any risk was past gone and I needed to live more carefully and intentionally.

I experienced an obstacle and it made me stop trusting my dreams and the process. I kinda halted my evolution process with the lie that I was seeking clarity.

The truth was, I was seeking CERTAINTY!

I’m grateful I experienced the shift I needed to admit the truth and confront it.

However, I know this isn’t just me. We are many in that boat from time to time, you hop from one mentor to another; one coach to another; from inbox to inbox looking for a guide. Looking for someone who can and will tell you what to do and if possible do it for you and/or tell you with certainty this is what you should get or expect from it.

Life unfortunately, doesn’t work that way.

As the year wraps up, I have a few words for you

1. Practice the art of telling the truth about what you want. Only you can tell this!

2. Once you get clear, take a step. Take that step. As you move forward and progress in this path, it will all come together.

3. Trust the unfolding. Your desire will take you on a journey that will make you grow the way you should grow. Don’t halt your evolution process.

Finally and most importantly, be sure of what you are seeking: is it clarity or certainty. It’s okay not so see the end of the staircase as long as it leans on a solid wall (you lead and live your life by the right core values and standards of integrity).

I wish you a Merry Christmas.

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