Skill Stacking

Skill stacking is a concept popularized by author and entrepreneur Scott Adams, known for creating the Dilbert comic strip. Skill stacking refers to the strategy of combining different skills and knowledge areas to create a unique and valuable set of abilities. Rather than becoming an expert in a single field, skill stackers aim to develop a diverse range of competencies that can complement each other and offer a competitive advantage.

AI Post

AI & The Future

The potential applications of AI are numerous and diverse, ranging from healthcare to finance, transportation to education, and almost everything. By automating routine tasks and augmenting human decision-making, AI has the potential to improve efficiency, productivity, and safety across a wide range of industries.

Tell Yourself the Truth

I’m grateful for this year but then I was hit by heavy disappointment both from people I trusted and processes I expected to go a certain way. I had absolutely trusted, so when the disappointment came, it hit me hard and knocked me out.